Rising Star Missionary Baptist Church
Rising Star Missionary Baptist Church
330 Muegee St. San Antonio, TX 78202
Tel: 210-224-5604
Email: revrflowers.rsmbc@gmail.com

The American Red Cross
The American Red Cross Central and South Texas Region serves 80 counties, home to more than 6.3 million people. For nearly 100 years, our volunteers across these communities have provided hope and comfort to their neighbors in crisis.
The American Red Cross belongs to the American people, and our strength depends on the support we receive from you. We invite you to join us. We need your time, talent and treasure to perform our very important work.

Battered Women and Children Shelter
Family Violence Prevention Services, Inc. (FVPS) has been helping victims of domestic violence in San Antonio since 1977. FVPS began as an emergency shelter for women and children and we now offer a complete array of shelter, transitional housing, counseling, children’s, and legal services to help individuals and families recover from the pain and long-term effects of domestic violence.
Contact our Crisis Hotline: (210) 733-8810, 24 Hours a Day, 365 Days a Year

San Antonio Food Bank
The San Antonio Food Bank provides food and grocery products to more than 530 partner agencies in 16 counties throughout Southwest Texas. In FY2015, the San Antonio Food Bank provided nearly 62 million pounds of food. The mission of the SAFB is to fight hunger in Southwest Texas through food distribution, programs, education, and advocacy.